Saturday 6 June 2020

Netflix Original Review: Death Note (2017)

Plot: A high school student is given the power to kill anyone and in a manner he so chooses. All he needs to do is write the name of the person in the Death Note and how the person dies. Could have been boring except, Light, the protagonist, is more imaginative than most. He uses the power to create a God by watching global news and punishing evil doers around the world. This is where things start to get interesting. Then, a detective from Japan with Sherlock-like abilities, starts to piece things together.  This is like Lex Luthor taking on Superman but better. You'll find yourself confused who you should be rooting for. 

Strength: The characters, pacing and twists and superb.

Recommendation: Must-watch even for those who are not familiar with the anime or manga version like me. 

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